

本私隱政策規管高航教育有限公司 (下稱「高航教育」)收集和處理您的資料的活動。 








  1. 高航教育的關聯實體。

  2. 政府、執法機關、法院及審裁處。

  3. 法律及其他專業顧問、保險人、損失理算人、康復服務提供人。

  4. 經你授權得自高航教育取得你個人資料之第三人。

  5. 向高航教育提供相關產品或服務之代理、承辦商或第三方服務提供人。

  6. 向高航教育提供產品和/或服務的第三方服務提供人。







你可請求本公司停止按直銷目的利用及分享你的個人資料,該請求得透過發送電郵至cs@voyagereducationhk.com 向本公司之個人資料經理提出,本公司不另予收費。




你如對於本私隱政策有任何意見或疑問,請發送電郵至 cs@voyagereducationhk.com 與本公司聯絡。透過向本公司發送電郵至cs@voyagereducationhk.com,你亦可以行使你於本私隱政策中的權利,例如就個人資料提出查閱、更正或刪除請求或投訴。





1. 本私隱政策包含哪些資料?

本私隱政策適用於我們自下列各方處所取得的所有個人身份識別資料: (i) 資料當事人;(ii) 高航教育的關聯實體; (iii) 第三方(資料涉及已表明對我們的產品和服務有興趣的個體);和 (iv) 向我們提供商品和服務的第三方。本私隱政策不適用於我們為招聘或僱用相關目的而取得的個人資料。



2. 我們可能會收集何種個人資料?



3. 我們可能會如何使用我們所收集的您的個人資料?


  • 用於處理您的要求或查詢;

  • 用於處理並完成您所要求的交易;

  • 用於設計新的服務或改善我們目前提供的服務,供客戶使用;

  • (只在得到您的同意下)用於促銷或營銷目的,包括 (i) 向您發送有關我們的產品和服務的促銷資料並進行直接促銷,無論是單獨進行還是連同我們的關聯實體或業務夥伴所提供的產品/服務一起進行;和 (ii) 在我們的產品和服務營銷或促銷資料(不論是何種媒體和形式)中發佈您的個人資料。如果我們提供您的個人資料給第三方(包括我們的關聯實體)供他們用於其促銷或營銷目的,我們將向您獲取書面同意;

  • 用於向您發送行政通訊,例如有關您在我們處開立的任何賬戶或本私隱政策日後的變更的資料;

  • 用於我們的內部業務和行政目的;

  • 用於協助實現執法目的,滿足法律要求,或者用於索賠相關目的;

  • 用於安全或保安目的;

  • 用於與上述任何一項直接相關的其他目的。




4. 我們可能會與誰分享我們所收集的您的個人資料?





5. 我們採用哪種安全措施來保障您的個人身份識別資料?




6. 我們可能會保留您的個人資料多久?




7. 您如何知道我們修訂本私隱政策?



8. 如果您對本私隱政策有疑問或意見,您如何向我們提出?


如果您對本私隱政策有任何疑問,或者希望向我們提出意見,或希望改正、查閱或停止使用您的個人資料,請以電子郵件方式聯絡個人資料經理 info@voyagereducation.com


Privacy Policy

Effective Date: December 30, 2022

This Privacy Policy governs the collection and handling of your information by Voyager Education Limited ('Voyager Education').

 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the other language version of this privacy policy, the English version shall prevail.



Provision of personal information is voluntary, but if you do not provide such personal information, we may not be able to send you the information that may be of interest to you, or provide you with the products, services or information you requested.



Your personal information collected by us may be transferred to the following classes of persons ('Potential Transferees of Personal Information'):

  1. Affiliated entities of Voyager Education.

  2. Governments, law enforcement authorities, courts and tribunals.

  3. Legal and other professional advisors, insurers, loss adjustors, rehabilitation service providers.

  4. Any third party whom you have authorized to obtain your personal information from Voyager Education.

  5. Agents, contractors or third party service providers who provide goods or services to Voyager Education

  6. Third party service providers who provide the goods and/or services to Voyager Education



By providing your personal information, you agree to the use and transfer of your personal information in the manner described in this paragraph, including the transfer of such personal information to the other places outside Hong Kong.

We intend to use your name, contact details, profile information (including place of residence, location based on IP address and transaction data) to send you marketing or promotional materials in relation to the products, services and facilities offered by us, either alone or in conjunction with others.

We will retain and use your data for these marketing and promotional purposes for a reasonable period following your consent. Without your consent, we will not send you such marketing or promotional materials.

With your written consent, we also intend to share your name, contact details, profile information (including place of residence, location based on IP address) and transaction data with the Potential Transferees of Personal Information to enable them to send you marketing or promotional materials in relation to products, services and facilities.

You may request us to cease use and sharing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes. Such requests may be made without charge by us by sending an email to our Personal Data Manager at cs@voyagereducationhk.com.



You have the right to request access to, and correction of, your personal information held by us.

If you have a comment or question about this privacy policy, please contact us at cs@voyagereducation.com. You can also exercise your rights in this privacy policy, such as making an access, correction or deletion request or a complaint in relation to personal information, by sending an email to us at cs@voyagereducationhk.com.

Scope of Privacy Policy

This section is designed to answer your questions regarding our privacy practices and principles. When this Privacy Policy uses the term “personally identifiable information”, we mean information that identifies a particular individual. When other information, such as consumer product preferences or number of children, is directly associated with personally identifiable information, this other information also becomes personally identifiable information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. Personally identifiable information is sometimes referred to in this Privacy Policy as “personal information”. Finally, the terms of this Privacy Policy are subject to, and shall be interpreted according to, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.


1. What information does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy applies to all personally identifiable information that we obtain from (i) individuals who are themselves the subject of such information; (ii) Affiliated entities of Voyager Education; (iii) third parties regarding individuals who have expressed an interest in our products and services and (iv) third parties who provide goods and services to us. This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information obtained by us for recruitment or employment-related purposes.

Information We Collect

2. What types of personal information may we collect?

We may collect various types of personal information. For example, we may receive personal information that comes directly from customers who are interested in obtaining various products and services from us. Such information may include, for example, the customer's name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number. We also may collect other types of information such as gender, age, number of children, and personal interests, which we may associate with personal information. If you purchase products or services from us, we may note, for example, credit card or other charge card information, the type of services or products ordered or purchased, and the date of the order or purchase. When you request for our goods or services or send us enquiries, we may collect your contact information and details of your request or enquiry in order to respond to you. The provision of your personal information is voluntary. However if you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to provide assistance to you.


3. How may we use your personal information that we collect?

We may use and share your personal information with the transferees set out in this Privacy Policy for the following purposes:

  • to process your requests or enquiries;

  • to process and complete transactions requested by you;

  • designing new or enhancing existing services provided by us for customers' use;

  • for promotional or marketing purposes (only if consent is obtained from you), including (i) sending you promotional materials and conducting direct marketing in relation to our products and services, either alone or in conjunction with products/services offered by our affiliates or business partners and (ii) publishing your personal information in marketing or promotional materials of our products and services in any media and format. Written consent will be obtained from you if we share your personal information with another party (including our affiliates) for their use for promotional or marketing purposes;

  • to send you administrative communications, such as information about any account you may have with us or about future changes to this Privacy Policy;

  • for our internal business and administrative purposes;

  • to assist in law enforcement purposes and to meet requirements imposed by law or for claims-related purposes;

  • for safety or security purposes;

  • other purposes directly relating to any of the above.

We may take your personal information and make it non-personally identifiable, either by combining it with information about other individuals (aggregating your information with information about other individuals), or by removing characteristics (such as your name) that make the information personally identifiable to you (de-personalizing your information). We may use this non-personally identifiable information for, among other purposes, research and analysis to improve our products and services.

From time to time, you may decide to “opt in” to, or to “opt out” from, use by us of your personal information for promotional and marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive promotional and marketing material from us, please inform us by sending us an e-mail. Any such request should clearly state details of the personal information in respect of which the request is being made.


4. With whom may we share your personal information that we collect?

All personal information will be kept confidential but we may disclose such information to third parties where such disclosure is necessary to fulfill one or more of the purposes described in section 3 of this Privacy Policy. For the types of personal data subject to this sharing, please refer to Section 2 of this Privacy Policy. The Data Controller relating to the collection of your personal data shall be construed to mean Voyager Education.

From time to time, we may purchase a business or sell one or more of our businesses (or portions thereof) and your personally identifiable information may be transferred as a part of the purchase or sale. In the event that we purchase a business, the personally identifiable information received with that business would be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, if it is practicable and permissible to do so. In the event that we sell a business, we will include provisions in the selling contract requiring the purchaser to treat your personally identifiable information in the same manner required by this Privacy Policy (including any amendments to this Privacy Policy). In light of this protection, your opt-out choices described in section 3 above will not affect our right to transfer your information to a purchaser in these circumstances.


5. What kind of security measures do we take to safeguard your personally identifiable information?

The security and confidentiality of your information is extremely important to us. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access and improper use. From time to time, we review our security procedures in order to consider appropriate new technology and methods. Please be aware that despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.


Retention of Personal Information

 6. How long may we keep your personal information?

We will not keep personal information longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for which the information is or is to be used. This means that, for example, personal information collected to fulfill your request for goods and services will be erased, deleted, destroyed or anonymized after their delivery by using technical or other means to render such information unidentifiable or unusable, unless it is necessary to keep such information for other purposes and we have informed you of such other purposes at the time of collection of the personal information or obtained your consent.

Amendments to Privacy Policy 

7. How will you know if we amend this Privacy Policy?

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time. If we amend this Privacy Policy to permit material changes in the way we collect, use and/or share your personal information, we will notify you of such changes by prominently posting notice of the changes on our Web site at www.voyagereducationhk.com. Any such material changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective thirty (30) calendar days following either our dispatch of an e-mail notice to you or our posting of notice of the changes on our Web site. Any such material changes to this Privacy Policy may affect our use and sharing of personal information that we collected before our notification to you of the changes. If you do not wish to permit material changes in our collection, use or sharing of your personal information collected by us before the effective date of such changes, you must so notify us before that effective date by writing to us as described in section 8 below. Please be advised, however, that, regardless of whether you provide such notice to us, the changes to this Privacy Policy will apply to any personal information collected by us on or after the effective date of such changes.

8. How can you ask questions, or send us comments, about this Privacy Policy?

If you have questions or wish to send us comments about this Privacy Policy, or wish to correct, access a copy of or cease use of your personal information, please send us an e-mail at cs@voyagereducation.com with your questions or comments