
Terms and Conditions for Our Programs

1.     Application and Enrollment

1.1  Your application is only completed when all the details required in the enrollment form are filled in and submitted, together with the required tuition fees.

1.1 只有在填寫並提交報名表格中所需的所有細節以及支付所需的學費後,您的申請才算完成。

1.2  All applicants will receive confirmation by email once enrollment is successful.

1.2 所有申請者在報名成功後將收到電子郵件確認。

1.3  Applications are processed based on a first come first served basis. When a requested course is full, the applicant will be put onto the waiting list.

1.3 申請將按照先到先得的原則進行處理。當所要求的課程已滿,申請人將被放入等待名單中。

1.4  If we consider a student is considered to repeatedly have behavior adversely affect the conduct of the classesto be unsuitable for the course, at the discretion of Voyager Education Limited (“the Company”), the student may be dispelled from the course without any refundwe reserve the right to withdraw the enrolment of the student and we will issue a refund of the course fee collected on a pro-rata basis.

1.4 如果我們認為一名學生多次行為對課堂進行負面影響,被認為不適合參加該課程,根據Voyager Education Limited(以下簡稱“公司”)的裁量權,該學生可能會被退學,學費不予退還。我們保留撤銷學生報名的權利,並將按比例發放已收取的課程費用的退款。

1.5  We make all effort to ensure there are no changes in class times but in case of unavoidable circumstances, a suitable replacement option will be offered. You will be informed by email of any change.

1.5 我們會盡力確保課堂時間不會有變更,但如果遇到不可避免的情況,我們將提供一個合適的替代選項。任何更改都會通過電子郵件通知您。


2.     Refund Conditions

2.1  No refund or transfer of fees is allowed after the enrollment is made. Please note that all course fees are non-refundable regardless of when you cancel.

2.1 在報名完成後,恕不接受退款或轉移學費。

2.2  In case of cancellation of the course, and students decline the alternative arrangements offered, we will refund the course fee collected on a pro-rata basis.

2.2 如果課程取消,且學生拒絕提供的替代安排,我們將按比例發放已收取的課程費用的退款。


3.     Absence and Make-up Class

3.1  If a student is absent due to medical reason(s) with the support of a valid medical certificate, the student may be allowed to have one make-up session (during the time of the last class of the course subject to the discretion of the Company)/ class in the next round of course held if such course is available. Each student can only be granted with maximum of one make-up session / class per course.

3.1 若學生因醫療原因缺席,並附上有效的醫療證明,公司課程可以酌情允許學生在下一輪課程舉辦時,在課程最後一節進行一次補課。每位學生每門課程僅能獲得最多一次補課/補課機會。

4.     Inclement Weather

4.1  When the Red Rainstorm warning signal or Typhoon Signal No. 3 is hoisted, classes will continue to be held unless higher signals are forecasted by the Hong Kong Observatory. When the Black Rainstorm warning or Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted, classes will be canceled.

4.2  In the event of Rain Storm Warnings or Typhoon Signals being lowered during the day, classes will only continue to be held under the following conditions:

Warnings lowered before 7:00am – classes scheduled to be held on or after 9:00am will continue;

Warnings lowered before 12:00pm – classes scheduled to be held on or after 2:00pm will continue;

Warnings lowered on or after 12:00pm – classes scheduled to be held on or after 2:00pm will be canceled;

4.3  No make-up classes or refunds will be available for these enforced cancellations due to inclement weather. The date and time for make-up classes will be solely determined by the Company.

4.1 當香港天文台懸掛紅色暴雨警告信號或3號颱風信號時,除非天文台預測將懸掛更高信號,否則課程將繼續進行。當香港天文台懸掛黑色暴雨警告信號或8號颱風信號時,課程將被取消。

4.2 如果在當天的課程時間內,暴雨警告信號或颱風信號解除,課程將根據以下情況繼續進行:




4.3 因惡劣天氣而強制取消的課程將不提供補課或退款。補課日期和時間將由公司獨自決定。 

5.     Photos and Other Media

5.1  Due to the proprietary nature of the courses, taking of photos and videos is expressly forbidden without the written permission of Voyager Education Limited (“the Company”). We also reserve the right to record and utilize any photos, videos and/or sound recordings of students and their classes, for teacher training, academic research and marketing purposes. If you do not consent to that, please email us at cs@voyagereducationhk.com.

5.1 由於課程的專有性質,未經高航教育有限公司(「本公司」)書面許可,嚴禁拍攝照片和錄像。我們保留記錄和使用學生及其課堂的任何照片、視頻和/或聲音錄音的權利,用於教師培訓、學術研究和市場營銷。如果您不同意,請發送電子郵件至 cs@voyagereducationhk.com 與我們聯繫。


6.     Communications

6.1  All communications from the Company and the teacher to the students will be sent through email and/or Whatsapp, students must regularly check their emails and WhatsApp in order to receive important announcements and information required for the course.

6.1 本公司和老師發送給學生的所有通訊將通過電子郵件和/或WhatsApp發送,學生必須定期檢查他們的電子郵件和WhatsApp,以接收課程所需的重要公告和信息。

7.     Conduct

7.1  Students must abide by all laboratory safety guidelines and follow instructions. Laboratory coats must be worn in all classes at all times. Failure to wear laboratory coats may result in exclusion from the class.

7.2  To maintain harmonious learning atmosphere, it is prohibited to discuss politics and politically sensitive matters during class hours.

7.3  The Company and class teacher reserves the right to expel students from the course or individual classes without any refund for behavior considered unacceptable or inappropriate to the teacher and / or fellow students.

7.1 學生必須遵守所有實驗室安全指南並遵循指示。所有課堂上學生必須隨時穿著實驗室大褂。未穿戴實驗室大褂學生可能導致被排除在課堂之外。

7.2 為維護和諧的學習氛圍,在課堂時間禁止討論政治和政治敏感問題。

7.3 公司和課堂教師有權驅逐學生離開課程或單獨課堂,對於被認為對老師和/或同學不可接受或不適當的行為,恕不退款。


8.     Academic Honesty and Integrity

8.1  Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with teacher‚ but all assignment submissions must be original works done independently by the student. Students may be required to certify that the assignment submissions are their own original works. Plagiarism is unacceptable in the course especially the course advocates originality and creativity.

8.2  If assignment of a student is identified as plagiarism, the following actions may be taken:

The student will fail the plagiarized assignment. If the assignment previously received a passing score, the score will be reverted to zero.

If the failed assignment sufficiently reduces course score of the student to a non-passing grade, the certificate will be withheld or revoked.

The student may be expelled from the course without any refund.

8.1 學生可以在彼此之間或與老師討論作業,但所有提交的作業必須是學生自己獨立完成的原創作品。學生可能需要證明作業提交是自己的原創作品。在這門課程中,抄襲是不可接受的,特別是因為課程倡導原創性和創造力。

8.2 如果發現學生的作業是抄襲的,可能會採取以下措施:





9. Right to Final Decision

9.1 The Company reserves the right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.

9.1 在任何爭議的情況下,本公司保留最終決定權。


10. Privacy

10.1 Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the Company.

10.1 請參閱本公司的穩私政策。 


All students enrolled in the course do so at their own risk and the Company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in the course.


Terms and Conditions for our Coding Courses


  1. Course Enrollment: By enrolling in this coding course, you agree to these terms and conditions. You must be at least 15 years old to enroll. If you are under the age of 18, you must have parental or guardian consent. 課程註冊:通過註冊本編程課程,您同意這些條款和條件。您必須至少15歲才能註冊。如果您未滿18歲,您必須得到父母或監護人的同意。

  2. Course Content: All course content, including but not limited to videos, text, quizzes, and code, is owned us and is protected by copyright law. You may not distribute or reproduce the course content without our express written permission. 課程內容:所有課程內容,包括但不限於視頻,文字,測驗和代碼,都由我們擁有,並受版權法保護。未經我們明確的書面許可,您不得分發或複製課程內容。

  3. Course Fees: All course fees are payable in advance and are non-refundable, except as otherwise expressly stated in our refund policy. 課程費用:所有課程費用必須提前支付,並且不予退款,除非我們的退款政策中另有明確規定。

  4. Course Conduct: You agree to conduct yourself in a respectful manner and not to disrupt the learning experience for others. We reserve the right to remove any student who violates this code of conduct. You agree to comply with all rules, policies, and guidelines of third-party platforms and content providers that Voyager uses as part of our offerings, including but not limited to Coursera, Pycharm, Python Code Playground, etc. You must abide by the Honor Code (see below) and submit your own work for assignments. 課程行為:您同意以尊重的方式行事,不破壞他人的學習體驗。我們保留移除任何違反行為規範的學生的權利。您同意遵守高航教育在產品中使用的第三方平台和內容提供商的所有規則、政策和指南,包括但不限於 Coursera、Pycharm、Python Code Playground 等。您必須遵守 榮譽準則並提交自己的作業作業

  5. Equipment: Students are responsible for bringing and using their own computers for the course. The computers must meet minimum requirements required for the course, including the ability to download, install, and run PyCharm 3.0 and Jupyter Notebook. 設備:學生負責為課程帶來並使用自己的電腦。電腦必須符合課程所需的最低要求,包括能夠下載,安裝和運行PyCharm 3.0和Jupyter Notebook。

  6. Privacy: We respect your privacy and will handle your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. 隱私:我們尊重您的隱私,並將根據我們的隱私政策處理您的個人信息。

  7. Limitation of Liability: To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of your enrollment or participation in the course. 責任限制:在法律允許的範圍內,我們對於您註冊或參與課程而產生的任何間接,附帶或後果性損害不承擔責任。

  8. Changes to Terms: We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. 條款變更:我們保留隨時更改這些條款和條件的權利。任何變更將在我們的網站上發布後立即生效。

  9. Cancellations: If the course is cancelled by us for any reason, enrolled participants will be notified immediately. As per our policy, no refunds will be provided, but participants will be offered a spot in a future session. All cancellations by users, including students and/or parents, must be emailed to alice@voyagereducationhk.com. The date on which the email is sent will be considered the date of cancellation. Upon cancellation, you will not be billed for the subsequent month. Even after cancelling, you will retain access to the course materials until the end of your current billing month. After the end of your billing month, your access to course materials will be revoked, and you will not be able to participate in any ongoing or future sessions of the course. 取消: 如果課程因我們的任何原因被取消,已註冊的參與者將立即收到通知。根據我們的政策,我們不提供退款,但參與者將被提供在未來的課程中的一個名額。如您 (學生和/或家長) 主動取消課程,必須發送電子郵件至alice@voyagereducationhk.com。發送電子郵件的日期將被視為取消的日期。取消後,您將不會被收取下個月的費用。即使在取消後,您仍然可以直到您當前的結算月底繼續訪問課程材料。在您的結算月結束後,您對課程材料的訪問權將被撤銷,並且您將無法參與該課程的任何正在進行或未來的課程。

  10. Governing Law: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong SAR. 管轄法律:這些條款和條件受香港特別行政區的法律管轄。任何因這些條款和條件產生或與之相關的爭議將由香港特別行政區的法院專屬管轄。

By enrolling in our courses, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions. 通過註冊我們的課程,您承認您已閱讀,理解並同意這些條款和條件。

The Honor Code

We, the students, instructors, and staff of Voyager Education, hereby commit ourselves to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and responsibility in all academic and personal endeavors. We pledge to uphold the following principles:

  1. Honesty: We will always tell the truth, regardless of the consequences, and will be transparent in our intentions and actions. We will uphold the highest standard of academic integrity and honesty.

  2. Integrity: We will complete all assignments, exams, and projects with our own work, unless collaboration is explicitly allowed. We will not engage in plagiarism, cheating, or any other form of academic dishonesty. We will not copy, share, or replicate copyrighted materials for personal or commercial use.

  3. Responsibility: We will take ownership of our actions and their consequences, and will be accountable for the work we submit. We will report any violations of this code that we witness, as it is our duty to maintain a community of trust.

  4. Respect: We will treat all members of our academic community with dignity, respect, and fairness. We will be open to diverse viewpoints and will strive to create an inclusive environment.

  5. Collaboration: When permitted, we will collaborate in a manner that ensures all contributors are recognized for their efforts, and we will not take undue credit for others' work.

  6. Continuous Learning: We recognize that mistakes can be a source of growth. If we falter, we commit to learning from our mistakes and taking corrective actions.

  7. Confidentiality: We will respect the privacy of our peers and instructors, and will not share sensitive information, exam questions, or any other materials without proper authorization.

  8. Intellectual Property: All course content, including but not limited to lectures, Google Colab notebooks, course content, presentations, handouts, and other related materials, are the exclusive intellectual property of Voyager Education Limited (“VE” or “Voyager”). Students are required to respect these intellectual property rights at all times. Copying, saving, reproducing, or disseminating any course materials without prior written consent from Voyager is strictly prohibited. This policy is designed to protect the integrity and proprietary nature of our course content and to ensure that all use of these materials is appropriate and authorized. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the course and legal action, where applicable.

By enrolling in Voyager Education courses, we agree to abide by this honor code. We understand that violations of this code will result in disciplinary action, which may include failing grades, academic probation, or expulsion.

Updated in August 14, 2024.

Python 101 Course - 7-Day Refund Policy

At Voyager Education, we are committed to providing a valuable and enriching learning experience through our Python 101 course. If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with the course within the first 7 days, we offer a hassle-free refund process.

How to Request a Refund:

  1. Feedback Survey: To help us understand your experience and improve our offerings, we kindly ask that you complete a brief feedback survey. This will allow you to share your thoughts and any concerns you may have about the course.

  2. Customer Support: After completing the feedback survey, our customer service team will contact you for a quick call. You will have the opportunity to discuss your experience in more detail with one of our representatives.

  3. Refund Processing: Once the feedback survey is completed and your feedback has been recorded by our customer representative, we will process your full refund within 7 days.

Please Note:

  • The refund request must be made within 7 days of your course purchase.

  • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method unless otherwise arranged.

  • This policy applies only to the Python 101 course purchased directly through our platform.

We value your feedback and are here to assist you with any questions or concerns. Thank you for choosing Voyager Education for your learning journey.